
Monday Morning Mindfulness
Monday Morning Mindfulness - an open weekly mindfulness session with coach Caty to start your week

Happiness is a Skill Autumn 2023 - live on Zoom
Eight weeks long you will learn and apply skills to become happier in life. If you are interested, message me at caty@hartung.com, and I will share more information with you. The course will cost 300 €. I look forward to hearing from you.

Happiness is a Skill - Keynote @Objevse
Every moment you have a choice. You can decide which thoughts and feelings intrude on your day, how you react to external influences, or how you treat others. You might even know which behaviors bring you long-term happiness. However, are you able to make these conscious decisions when you need to most? In this keynote, you’ll learn skills that can help you transform negative thoughts and situations into positive ones and techniques that can help you to show up as your best self even in times of stress.

HAPPINESS IS A SKILL - Spring Course 2023 live on Zoom
Get to know your best friend in every situation: your breath. Discover your feeling states and emotions, learn to react skillfully, and see the wisdom in them. Understand how to integrate polarities instead of increasing the gap.
And learn to meditate according to your needs by either relaxing your system or increasing your love and compassion towards others, or getting more energy for all the many activities in your life.

Happiness is a skill: Emotions - Spring 2022 online course
I invite you to join the next run of the Happiness is a skill: Emotions online course series. This edition will focus mainly on how to work smartly with challenging (and sometimes, let’s face it, a bit overwhelming) emotions.
We are starting on February 15, 2022, and will meet for 8 weeks every Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:30 pm CET on Zoom to learn, exchange, reflect, meditate, and grow together.

Happiness is a Skill - Keynote for Novartis
Private Keynote for the #CuriousTogether international program at Novartis
Every moment you have a choice. You can decide which thoughts and feelings intrude on your day, how you react to external influences, or how you treat others. You might even know which behaviors bring you long term happiness. Are you able to make these conscious decisions when you need to most?

Happiness is a skill
There are ways to switch the lens through which we see the world and the people around us. We will focus on the skills to become more conscious, joyful and happy during the course.
9 weeks online course with Caty Hartung to grow, connect, learn, reflect, and meditate together. Tuesdays at 19:00-20:30 CET on Zoom, starting October 5, 2021.

Free call: Happiness is a skill
Please join this free call where we would like to present to you the upcoming course "Happiness is a skill", answer your questions and meditate with you.
Happiness doesn't appear out of nowhere, it is a skill, you can learn it, evoke it. The better you know yourself, the better you can influence your states of mind.

Happiness is a skill - spring 2021
Shift your states of mind with modern tools and ancient wisdom
9 weeks online course with Caty Hartung Tuesdays, April 20th-June 22nd at 7-8 pm CET (1-2 pm ET) on Zoom
The renowned teacher and author Diane Musho Hamilton joins the May 11th session as a guest lecturer.
Registration closed.

Love & Compassion: Working with Disturbing Emotions
We live in difficult, transitional times. Our situation is often unpredictable, and so are our emotional states. It is helpful at this time to deepen our meditation practice and learn techniques to stabilize our emotional states.
Love and Compassion: Working with Disturbing Emotions is the second online course in the Love and Compassion series, led by Diane Musho Hamilton and Caty Hartung. The course will engage Zen Buddhist and Tibetan teachings and practices for working with one’s emotions, as well as opening one’s heart. They will use contemporary insights such as understanding how our brain and nervous system works, as well as traditional methods like the use of breath to support an aware state of mind.
Compassion & Love in Challenging Times
We live in difficult, transitional times. The most reliable and stabilizing we can do is to deepen our meditation practice, opening our hearts to others and to our ever changing lives.
Compassion and Love in Challenging Times is a 10-week online course led by Diane Musho Hamilton and Caty Hartung. The course will engage Zen Buddhist and Tibetan teachings and practices for opening the heart. It will also use contemporary methods such as active listening to support our practice in relationships, at work, and in the world.