Champagne for the Mind.

Thoughts and insights on love, life, and mind to give your day an extra sparkle of inspiration.

A Wish: Let Us Be for Each Other.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

A Wish: Let Us Be for Each Other.

Let us bring lightness into our lives so that our eyes see beauty and smiles.
Let us find the courage to create a world guided by wise voices…

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Connection is King
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Connection is King

I walked my dog and saw a man in a wheelchair in icy January. He had spent the night outside. It was too cold to live and too warm to die….

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To the Year of the Snake.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

To the Year of the Snake.

I share one-minute bubbles—brief moments of insight meant to inspire. Have they ever made you pause, reflect, or see things differently?

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The Core of Love.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

The Core of Love.

And here it comes again — my birthday. The years pass, people come and go, and hair changes its color. The big parties are memories. The core is what matters.

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When Karma Comes Wagging through the Door.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

When Karma Comes Wagging through the Door.

My bonus kids begged for a dog since I knew them. After years of refusal, the planted seed took fruition. The wish became a reality when someone offered us to share a dog. Car-sharing, flat-sharing, why not dog-sharing? It sounded easy enough. We could still travel. I would finally do my 10,000 steps, and we all could enjoy a family dog…

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What makes our partner run away?
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

What makes our partner run away?

Here she was sitting when I asked how she was. Tears were faster than the answer. Oh, he dropped her after a wonderful year. It all began when she freaked out one weekend.It’s a typical scene. We are in love, and the butterflies are in full gear. All feelings turn into hopes, dreams, and clear perspectives. Then suddenly, our partner goes somewhere alone for a weekend. And our feelings get out of control.

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Go to the Light. When depression is knocking at your door.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Go to the Light. When depression is knocking at your door.

Do you know this cloud? It is there; you sense it’s there, and sometimes it’s bigger, sometimes darker, occasionally you can ignore it, and often you are unaware of it. But it is there. Hovering over your head — and in you. The cloud goes by many names: annoyance, frustration, disappointment, regret, sadness, depression, or even downheartedness (what a great word).

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Free as a Butterfly.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Free as a Butterfly.

Spiritual Teachers sometimes talk about “taming the mind,” meaning we calm down our all-over-the-place sensations, thoughts, and feelings with skillful means. It’s like calming a wild animal in a cage, observing and feeding it regularly — here with meditation and similar tools…

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Love And Life.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Love And Life.

Love needs energy and change. It can't stand still; it gets stale. Otherwise, it's like an open Champagne you find the next day.

Nevertheless, we wish it never ends and try to hold on. We don't move, hardly dare to breathe. Oh, may it last! And that, unfortunately, is the end of it.

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Ego is tricky.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Ego is tricky.

What is ego-killing? How can your ego ever dissolve being in a body? My master was pens, noisy pens sorted at 5 in the morning.

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A Life Worth Living.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

A Life Worth Living.

What is the magic of life? What makes our lives meaningful, happy, and at ease? Worth living?

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Caty Hartung Caty Hartung


The space in between the thoughts that lets everything appear is interesting: Stille. We only have to change focus consciously. Now, space, wonder, and impermanence get the attention they deserve.

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My Teacher is a Freedom Lover.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

My Teacher is a Freedom Lover.

My teacher

is a freedom lover,

joyful, sparkling, fun,

driving fast, flying in the sky;

enjoys sex and love and life,

throws the rule into the air to honor the unique moment, ….

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The Facts, the Story, and the Truth.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

The Facts, the Story, and the Truth.

There are facts which are undeniable. There are stories based on facts and those which are invented. There are many ways to tell a story and as many viewpoints as people telling them.

What stories do you like to tell? The juicy ones? The one you look better in? The one that makes others laugh or cry?

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Man of my life.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Man of my life.

When I was small, your eyes were full of love. You stood at my side, encouraging me to find my way. You held my hand when migraines tortured me. And when I woke up at night, you were in your armchair comforting me….

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Caty Hartung Caty Hartung


How often do we do things just because we have to? If we fail, we are disappointed, and it feels like a waste of time. If we succeed, we are ok.

How often do we do things for our benefit? If we fail, our ego is frustrated, and we might even blame others.

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