
I did apply for a job …
It was my chance to see the glue between all the different milestones, acknowledge my achievements and failures, and understand my life’s purpose to benefit others from a different perspective. I understood what made me the coach I am today.

I need a break. Time for myself. Have you ever thought of making a retreat?
Have you ever considered taking time to look deeper into your way of being? To be secluded just with yourself? “Me-time”. Is that idea scary? Yes, sometimes. Often it is the most important thing we can do: creating space when things get tight, seeing situations from above, and being able to again breathe in our own rhythm—sleeping alone, clearing our head, giving our inner wisdom a chance to show up. (Photo by Ioana Motoc from Pexels)

Integral Coaching: Like a Beautiful Tree - Strengthen and Even Out Your Developmental Lines
One of the most exciting moments during the coaching process is when the coach and the client meet for the first time. Here both find out if they trust each other to go on and enter the path of guided development. During this first meeting, a lot is going on.

Integral Coaching: Creating a Lasting Change In Your Life
To do so, you might want to seek out an Integral Coach as in my experience, one of the best ways is to work one-on-one with a kind and open-minded person who accompanies you through the process.
You want to know why?

The Most Reliable Companion for Life
Our life begins with our first inhalation followed by the most awaited loud cry marking the beginning of our life as an independent being. No matter in what circumstances we were born, from that moment on we have a companion for life in our breath until the end approaches again, and we depart with our long last exhalation. Maybe it’s time to honor our friend and use his generous offer to be there for us on more levels than simply keeping us alive?

Skillful means in conversations
In my recent online course “Happiness is a skill”, we discussed how to stay aligned with our wishes when we connect with friends, colleagues or family. How can we stay focused and easily redirect the atmosphere when difficulties, boredom or disharmonies arise. If you are interested, here comes my summary of some tools and principles we explored.