A Life Worth Living.
Image created with words of this text by the author and Midjourney AI ©CatyHartung
What is the magic of life? What makes our lives meaningful, happy, and at ease? Worth living?
Connections, love, wealth, deep conversations. Friends and family, a dog, sharing, creating a legacy, a horse. Laughing, caring, accomplishing the bucket list. Enjoying sex, art, rock’n roll, and knowing one’s purpose. Is that it?
Don’t we all know that everything composite will fall apart again? That nothing is everlasting? Should that not let us turn to something constant in life? The mind itself.
Feelings and relationships are impermanent, and so is everything we desire. Of course, these are the well-deserved sparkles in life. But why are we turning away from the mind itself? Why hold on to our soon-falling-apart desires and put the energy into pushing away the unavoidable? Why not turn towards and get to know the “experiencer” of all?
Why not learn to be still and calm? And let yourself be surprised? Discover the mind. Are the little and big dramas so important? Seen with a bit of distance, it will be easy to let go.
Instead, dare to enlarge the space between the thoughts. And rejoice in the vastness and playfulness of mind and the ease coming from within.
Champagne for the Mind #66 — January 19, 2024