Let Life Flow or Shape Our Path.
Image created with words of this text by the author and Midjourney AI ©CatyHartung
I am circling two thoughts. Should we relax into the flow of life? Or, should we give life a direction? Shape our path? Is it even possible?
We influence our lives every moment with what we think, say, or do. That is certain. “Life is a lot of Karma,” as
Tokyo noted in his last article on Medium. Discussions and life run differently if we know our intention and don’t get lost in the many possible sideways.
Change is achievable with persistence and openness, conscious choices and letting go, border setting and kindness…seeing and taking our chances — and naturally, a bit of luck.
That would be my answer to my dilemma: integrate the pairs. Let life flow and walk the way consciously.
Champagne for the Mind #67 — February 1, 2024
If you want to set your intention for the week, let me know; I offer a 30-minute Mindfulness Meditation plus intention setting every Monday Morning from 8.15–to 8.45 CET. You are welcome to try it out. Just send me your email, and I will invite you for next week.