Image created with words of this post together with AI (Midjourney) by the author ©CatyHartung
How often do we do things just because we have to? If we fail, we are disappointed, and it feels like a waste of time. If we succeed, we are ok.
How often do we do things for our benefit? If we fail, our ego is frustrated, and we might even blame others. Not thinking beyond ourselves lets us not notice that we might have harmed them in the process. If we succeed, we become often proud and sometimes lonely.
How often do we do things to benefit others? If we fail, we are a bit sad, but we did our best, and we will try again. If we succeed, our love flows.
It is up to us which intention leads our way of life: ego-driven or wholehearted. As always, any gesture changes the world.
Champagne for the Mind #58 — August 26, 2023