Champagne for the Mind.

Thoughts and insights on love, life, and mind to give your day an extra sparkle of inspiration.

The Magic Switch.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

The Magic Switch.

How would it be to shut down our thoughts and finally relax? If there would be a switch: on — off, on — off. Off.

Silence, nothingness, blackout. Is this what enlightenment means? Surely not. As long as one lives, one will bleed when stitched. Is happy when loved. Has pain when being hurt….

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The Art of Listening
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

The Art of Listening

Today began my new course. Happiness is a skill, Spring 2023. After clarifying our intentions, we jumped into the magic of listening: When You and I become WE. This is not a given. It is a dance that needs a specific choreography…

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Caty Hartung Caty Hartung


Forgiving. You sweet giver of lightness. You who make life joyful and free again. Who relaxes my shoulders, lets me bounce around, and my smile appear.

You remind me of what love is. Beautiful and free.

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Looking From Above
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Looking From Above

Emotional and disturbed, we often miss the overview and can’t see what brought us into the situation. Further, we don’t know how best to react. In this case, it is helpful to take a short time-out. Take a deep breath and look at the situation from above, like a helicopter finding a way out of a traffic jam. With distance, you can see what created the tumult, where the blog is, and how to get out of it.

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A father for life.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

A father for life.

Yesterday, timely for the Oscar Nominations, I saw “All Quiet on the Western Front”. I read the book as a teenager, like so many of you.

The often poetic pictures were heartbreaking. A camera without compassion, a story without a hero. The meaninglessness of war. The innocence of the youth. The obscenity of ego-driven leaders.

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Take your time.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Take your time.

Slow down. Enjoy the precious moment. Breathe. Be here and now — no need to rush. Where are you running? The past is gone. The future indeed will show itself.

Can we hurry our future? ….

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Change is a fact.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Change is a fact.

It is so difficult to accept change inside of us, of others, of life. And though besides the one who experiences all the change, change is the only given — a certainty in our life…

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Caty Hartung Caty Hartung


I come from work, in my arms shopping bags, in my right hand flowers. In my left hand a bottle of vine and another bag. And now?

I have to put something onto the ground to get my hands free. I resist. Can't I do it anyhow? No, impossible. I put the flowers down to be able to open the door. Easy.

When a boat is about to sink, we don't think; we drop weight.

When our minds are busy, meander, …

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When you meet a monster.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

When you meet a monster.

When you meet a friend, do you run away? Do you hide or fight? Or do you say “Hello” and hug him?

When you meet a monster, do you run away? Do you freeze or fight it? Or do you say: “Hello. Let me get to know you.“

The feelings we don’t face and run away from are growing inside of us; they turn into little monsters when we ignore or fight them.

When our eyes meet, and we connect, the acknowledged monster, however, turns into our friend.

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Stress — when the heart can’t follow the mind.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Stress — when the heart can’t follow the mind.

What is stress? My humble observation: When the heart cannot follow the mind or the mind cannot follow the heart. When our thoughts are faster and all over the place, instead of noticing how we feel. When we lose overview and if we ignore our physical, emotional, or mental needs. That’s why meditation has this instant release and calm down factor. …

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Happy Valentine’s — Love needs space to breathe.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Happy Valentine’s — Love needs space to breathe.

Falling in love is an explosion of rosy emotions. It comes without announcement. Our butterflies are out of control. Beautiful, creative, and sexy, we listen to Mozart and Vivaldi and read the old poets or become one ourselves. We are the running bomb of good feelings, ideas, and adventures. Even better if the other one is challenging to get, and imagination and passion can develop before the first tangible steps. What wouldn`t we all do for him? For her? The beautiful, cruel longing of a blossoming heart…. And two, five years later?

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Any questions?
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Any questions?

I will soon take my second surfing lesson — beach, sun, Nosara, Blue Zone. Smoothies cost 8 dollars in a developing country. Accommodation costs more than in New York.

Before I go, I read about the war in Ukraine, and my heart cracks open with a story from Andrii Getun about the Second World War.

Any questions? How can our mind hold all of this at the same time?

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He was my teacher.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

He was my teacher.

A woman walks down the street. It’s not her best day. She is sad.

Suddenly she sees people lining up and, not knowing why follows them. She sees a man seated on a beautiful chair at the end of the line. When it is her turn, the man touches her shortly with a silver box. And gives her a hug. …

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A note for straight men.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

A note for straight men.

Did you notice that a woman likes to be loved, wanted, and admired 24 hours a day? The good news is that already very little attention creates in her that feeling. If you send a text message, think from time to time of a tiny gift, paint a heart in the mirror before you leave for work, or put a note under her windshield….

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No feeling lasts.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

No feeling lasts.

Nothing lasts, neither good nor bad feelings. They arise, play around, and leave again. They are impermanent.

Our involvement with body, speech, and mind decides how well we nourish our feeling. And that determines how long the emotion stays and if the moment turns into a drama, a comedy, or nothingness.

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Timeout. Let’s make a retreat.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Timeout. Let’s make a retreat.

Whenever I have two kilos, too many, I begin dreaming of a Panchakarma cure. I know, it does the trick. With a bit of suffering and lots of physical pleasure, I will lose weight. And on top, I will have time to meditate, think, write, read, swim, and dream. This can only be rejuvenating and life-prolonging. I am with me and my mind alone, …

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Give your emotions a chance.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Give your emotions a chance.

Give your emotions a chance. You are the one who decides what you do with your sentiment triggered by … “whatever”. You choose what you make out of the energy arising. Emotions are by themselves neither positive nor negative. They are energy. Neutral.

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New Year's resolution.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

New Year's resolution.

Intention setting comes before goal setting. System setting allows long-term change. Being kind to oneself includes trial and error. Thinking of others opens our hearts.

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The time between the thoughts is essential.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

The time between the thoughts is essential.

Thoughts come and go in the mind. Waves rise and dissolve again in the ocean. Years begin and end when the champagne flutes meet. The time between the thoughts is essential. To enlarge the space before the next wave arises is the actual gig. Being present, then, brings ease and clarity.

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Being joyful, patient, tender, thankful, and loving.
Caty Hartung Caty Hartung

Being joyful, patient, tender, thankful, and loving.

A good story and a bad story. Which one do you like to share? All impressions change the way we experience the world. It is a decision and a profound practice to focus on resourceful states of mind, like being joyful, patient, tender, thankful, and loving.

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