When Heroes are Born.
Image created with words of this post together with AI (Midjourney) by the author ©CatyHartung
Karma seems to be a complex system. We often don’t understand why something happens to us and trying might be worthless. The good news, instead of looking backward, look forward. Our acts, words, and thoughts indeed result in our future.
If I am nice to my neighbor today, he won’t mind opening the door at night. If my partner is sick and I stay at his side, our love will grow. If no one dumps plastic into the ocean, fish won’t die due to it, and our oceans will be a resource. If we exercise, our bodies will be fit. When I forgive generously, I will relax the system.
Is your mind already trying to find exceptions to my examples? Of course, there are plenty, and that’s when we think life is unfair and justify to ourselves that we can act egotistically, ignoring others and the whole.
Contrarily, I see the chance to be conscious and apply the law of cause and effect. It depends on each of us what we do, think, and say to create a world worth living.
It begins with finding the values I want to live my life with, learning how I react to my emotions wisely, and how to act beneficially. That's — when heroes are born.
Champagne for the Mind #46 — June 5, 2023