An impressive couple.
Image created with words of the author and AI (Midjourney) ©CatyHartung
I know an impressive couple, around 60, married, family types…. They left in the middle of a party. For my taste, far too early. “Why are you leaving already?” “Because we still want to make love” was the simple and honest answer. They made love every day. It was their commitment to being in a relationship.
Shouldn’t we all be as unneurotic and easy? It’s a gift to be two. It’s a gift to have found somebody. It’s precious, and by opening up to each other again and again (I don’t say that it is always easy), we become “us”. We become the “joyful double-headed monster” and honor love by growing for a lifetime…
Champagne for the Mind #3 — September 27, 2022 (published on Medium)